I can relax as they have given the right direction to my investments."
Mr.Jagdish Mansukhani,
Chairman & MD,
Man Steel & Power Ltd
Derivatives are a highly liquid or strongly traded instrument for of trading compared to shares or equities. They provide traders with the opportunity to make higher and faster profits in much lesser durations but as it is well known, with high returns come high risks. So we advise our clients to hedge their trading positions in order to reduce the risks.
One of the main factors which a trader looks into for trading in derivatives is the leverage which a broker offers: 4x, 5x, 6x, etc. Hence we at Metcon Finance give excellent leverage compared to market standards. Our forte lies in minimizing the risk and maximizing the returns by using various strategies in futures & options along with cash segment.
For our clients who are comfortable with the Dial & Trade model, where they call our dealers and execute trades, we have facilitated a seamless & smooth service through a simple number: (0) 810-8700-599
For those clients who like to trade by themselves online, we provide an online trading terminal with the latest updated softwares and real-time price updates.
Mr.Jagdish Mansukhani,
Chairman & MD,
Man Steel & Power Ltd